A kvetkez rsz:
Trsoldalak buttonjai

Charmed llatok

Charming witches

Charmed knyvek

A charmed.hu-n mr megrendelheted a 7. s 8. rszt is!!!!!!St beleolvashatsz a knyvekbe is!!!!!

Igzet/ Idzet

 Ahol igazsg van, ott fjdalom nincsen. A zrt gondolatokat trd fel elõttem. A gyertya fstje felfedezõtra kel, s a gondolatokat szban tolmcsolja nekem. 

 As the flame lights shadows and truth ends fear, open lost thoughts to willing my ear. May the smoke from this candle and to everything it creep bringing inner most voices to my mind and speech.

*Season 1*
*Season 1* : Which Prue Is It Anyway?

Which Prue Is It Anyway?

  2005.04.08. 20:58


[Scene: At a gym. Two guys are boxing in a boxing ring. Gabriel walks in. One of the boxer's brutally punches the other and the referee stops the fight.]

[Time lapse. Luther Stubbs is putting his stuff in a bag. Gabriel walks up to him.]

Gabriel: Luther Stubbs.

Stubbs: Yeah, who wants to know?

Gabriel: I'm a fan. I saw your bout in St. Louis three years ago. Bloodiest fight I've ever seen. Hear the boxer didn't even make it to the hospital. Died in the ring.

Stubbs: Yeah, well, you know. Everybody gotta go sometime.

Gabriel: I wanna know what it felt like to take another life with your own hands.

Stubbs: The guy didn't even cut me, man. Now move.

Gabriel: Not till I get what I came for.

Stubbs: And what might that be?

Gabriel: Your killer instinct.

(Gabriel gets his crystal sword out stabs him. A bright light shines out of Luther's body and into Gabriel's sword.)

[Scene: Manor. Prue and Piper walk in the house through the front door.]

Piper: And since it's time for Quake's yearly inventory, I have to count everything in the restaurant down to the last swizzle stick. It's gonna take days.

Prue: I guess that's why you get paid the medium sized bucks.

Piper: And which bucks would those be exactly?

(Prue notices a statue standing in the living room.)

Prue: Okay, okay, what's wrong with this picture?

Piper: Beside from me not getting paid enough.

Prue: No. What is grams' statue still doing in the living room?

Piper: We talked about it last night remember?

Prue: Yes, I do remember, and I thought that we agreed that it was an eyesore and she was going back to storage.

Piper: That is before I learned that storage down town is now 90 bucks a month and storage here is free. So, I called Phoebe and decided that she can stay here and last time I checked we were still living in a democracy.

Prue: Okay, but Piper, she's ugly.

Piper: Majority rules, sis. Unless, you can move her.

(Prue tries to move her with her power. She can't.)

Prue: Oohh... okay, okay, that didn't work.

Piper: It's solid marble. It took eight of Phoebe's bouncer friends to move it. It's too heavy for you.

Prue: You know, my powers are still growing and one day...

Piper: You can move it into the basement. But until then suffer.

Phoebe: (from other room) Eeyah!

Prue: Phoebe.

[Cut to the living room. Phoebe is kicking and punching a dummy.]

Prue: Phoebe?

Phoebe: Ooh, hi. I uh... I was just, uh...

Piper: Opening up a can of whoop ass.

Prue: Yeah, those are some serious moves. Where did you learn that?

Phoebe: Okay, I'm busted, I confess. I got tired of being the one in the family with the passive power, so I started taking up self defence classes which I've been putting on my new credit card.

Piper: And, uh, this thing?

Phoebe: Oh, that's Slam-man. Got him off an infomercial.

Prue: Great, another eyesore.

Phoebe: It's a total and complete martial arts training system. And with their easy instalment payment plan...

Piper: Which you also put on your new credit card.

Phoebe: He's gonna pay for himself the first time I kick ass on some unsuspected gnarly beast. Come on, wanna see some moves?

(Phoebe holds up her fists.)

Piper: No.

Phoebe: Come on. Come on. (Prue uses her powers and moves the dummy so it hits Phoebe.) You know that is so unfair.

Prue: Hey, demons do not play fair. (Phoebe gets Prue in an arm lock.) Okay, okay, okay, okay.

Phoebe: I didn't hear you say it.

Prue: Pheebs, let go.

(Phoebe has a premonition. Gabriel stabs Prue with his crystal sword.)

Piper: Phoebe, what is it?

Prue: What did you see?

Phoebe: I saw you die.

Opening Credits

[Scene: Manor. Kitchen. Phoebe is sitting at the table drawing the sword she saw in her premonition. Piper walks in.]

Piper: Hi.

Phoebe: Hi.

Piper: (Pours herself a cup of coffee.) I'm gonna need a lot more of this.

Phoebe: You couldn't sleep either, huh?

Piper: No, I was up all night. I couldn't get that image of Prue getting killed out of my head. Is that the sword?

Phoebe: Yeah, I drew it from memory. Unfortunately, I can't find it in the Book of Shadows yet. I wish that thing had an index.

Piper: I wish you had a closer look at the killer's face.

Phoebe: Well, if somebody tries to impale my sister, they're gonna have to get through me.

(Prue walks in.)

Prue: Oh, good, coffee.

(She pours some in a cup.)

Phoebe: Uh, why are you dressed up?

Prue: Because they don't have casual day at Bucklands.

Piper: Wait, you promised you would stay home so we could figure this out.

Prue: Yeah, and then Claire called and she has a client that wants to put a major collection on the block and if we get this account it will be a serious screw for Bucklands.

Piper: Can't Claire get somebody else to do it?

Prue: Piper, I have worked so hard to get Claire to trust me with something like this, why should someone else get all the glory?

Phoebe: Take the master demon that wants you dead for a hundred, Bob.

Piper: I can't believe you would risk your life to impress your boss. You can not leave this house.

Prue: Okay, relax. Phoebe's had premonitions before and we've affected the outcome, right?

Phoebe: That's true, but...

Prue: And in your premonition it was man who killed me, well, I'm going to Bucklands to meet a female client and Claire will be with me every step of the way, besides now that you've warned me, I'll watch my back. I can handle this promise.

Piper: The promise that we want from you is that you'll come straight home from Bucklands.

Prue: Will it stop you from worrying?

(They sign with their fingers to show a little bit.)

[Scene: Bucklands. Prue and Claire are walking down the hallway.]

Claire: The client's in my office. Now remember what I told you on the phone.

Prue: This woman's family has more money than God and if we land this account, it could put Bucklands in the black for years.

(They stop outside Claire's office.)

Claire: Exactly. You ready?

Prue: Of course I am.

(They walk inside. The client is waiting there.)

Claire: Helena Statler. I would like you to meet Prue Halliwell. One of our best and brightest young specialists.

Helena: Best and brightest? That's quite an introduction.

Prue: Yes it is. Maybe I should get a raise?

Claire: Let's have a seat shall we?

Helena: Miss Halliwell, my brother and I hold an extensive collection of antiquities. If we were to retain your firm, you'd be cataloguing and praising and selling the finest pieces you'd seen in your career. Maybe your life.

Prue: Just what kind of collection are we talking about exactly?

Helena: The kind that occupies three buildings at Warehouse Flats. We have art and artefacts from every period and movement in history. From Egyptian mummies to Jasper Jonce. We would want a sample appraisal of course.

Claire: Oh, Prue will be there today if you like?

Prue: At the warehouse flats?

Helena: Is that a problem?

Prue: No. No, I'm sure that I can handle it.

[Scene:  Quake. Piper's talking to an employee.]

Piper: Twelve potato ricers? What kind of restaurant needs twelve potato ricers? Just put them in the back with the box with the lemon ringers.

(He leaves. Phoebe walks up to her.)

Phoebe: I just called Bucklands and they said that Prue left the office for a meeting.

Piper: What? She promised she would go straight home.

Phoebe: Wait, it gets worse. I finally found the crystal sword in the Book of Shadows...

Piper: Shh...

Phoebe: It's the symbol of the Lord's of War. They're a clan of super natural warriors. They've been around since time began.

Piper: What do they want?

Phoebe: To start war. They started most of the major wars in history and once they're done in one place, they get reincarnated in some other part of the world and start all over again.

Piper: So, is he flesh and blood?

Phoebe: Yes, but the book says as long as they have their sword they're not only protected, they're immune to the weapons of man.

Piper: So, we have this invulnerable guy running around with a sword who wants to start a war?

Phoebe: Well, the Lord's of War may be invulnerable but they do have a code of honour and when one of them is disgraced, he has to steal his abilities back.

Piper: So, what does this have to do with Prue?

Phoebe: One of the things he has to steal back is the magic of a first born witch. They're supposed to be the strongest.

(An employee comes up to Piper.)

Employee: Uh, Piper, where...?

Piper: Not now, not now. (He walks away.) Okay, I'll call the night shift manager, see if he can cover for me, you call Prue on her cell phone. We gotta find her. Quickly.

Commercial Break

[Scene: Warehouse Flats. Prue arrives in her car. She walks inside a dark building.]

Prue: Miss Statler? Miss Statler?

(Helena walks out from a dark corner.)

Helena: Hello, Miss Halliwell. (Prue's phone rings and she turns it off.) Oh, I'm sorry, I hope I didn't scare you.

Prue: No, I don't really scare that easily.

Helena: So, what do you think of our collection?

Prue: I think you have exquisite taste.

Helena: My brother and I have been collecting our entire lives. It's our binding passion.

Prue: Is this a Roman vessel?

Helena: Why don't you tell me?

Prue: I've never seen one in such good condition. The handles represent Venus and the relief detail scenes of Roman bass and Kara Koa. It probably dates back to 210 B.C. It's very rare and priceless.

Helena: Wow, Claire was right, you really are something. What can you tell me about this item?

(Prue walks over to a table. A pillory is on it.)

Prue: It's a pillory. The markings are constant, so I say it dates back to the inquisition. (She puts her arms in the holes.) But it's missing a piece.

Helena: The victims arms were held in place by a bolt of restraint. (Steel rods shot across the top of the arm holes and traps her arms inside.) Prue Halliwell, my brother Gabriel.

(Gabriel walks in the room.)

Gabriel: I'd shake your hand but it's clearly otherwise engaged.

Prue: What are you doing?

Helena: Killing a witch.

Gabriel: Your ancestor's power animated from her hands. No doubt yours does too.

Prue: My ancestor?

Helena: A witch named Brianna. You're not the only one that's done research. (Prue frees her hands by using her power and throws Miss Statler against the wall. She grabs an axe and hits Gabriel in the chest. It doesn't harm him. Prue runs outside and drives off in her car.) How did she do that?

Gabriel: She's not like her ancestor, she channels her power through her eyes, not her hands. I won't make that mistake again.

Helena: She knows about us now. We have to move fast to attack her at home.

Gabriel: No, home is where she has the power of three to protect her. We'll think of another way.

[Scene: Manor. Living room. Prue and Piper are there.]

Prue: I hit Gabriel in the chest with an axe and he didn't even wink.

Piper: As long as he has his sword, he's immune to the weapons of man. Which we could've told you if you hadn't turned off your cell phone.

Prue: Well, I got away and I'm fine.

(Phoebe comes down the stairs with the Book of Shadows.)

Phoebe: Okay, I found our ancestor Brianna. She was our great, great, great aunt. She could move things with her mind like Prue. Now, she disgraced Gabriel during the premium war, she used her power to take away his sword. I guess Gabriel is trying to earn his abilities back.

Prue: Great. So, some guy couldn't keep it in his sheath and now I'm marked for death.

Piper: Well, some men are very sensitive about their weapons.

Phoebe: Lords of War and their weapons and their weapons are supposed to be inseparable like Thor and his hammer and I guess Brianna was able to send his sword hundreds of miles away.

Prue: Alright, sword I can move, but hundreds of miles away? I'm not that powerful.

Phoebe: I thought about that and I found this incantation. To multiply your strength, recite these words at length.

(Phoebe shows Prue a page in the Book.)

Prue: Alright, so all I have to do is say this incantation and I'll be stronger.

Phoebe: Hopefully strong enough to separate Gabriel and his sword.

Prue: Sounds like a plan to me.

Piper: Uh, time out. Bad idea.

Phoebe: Why, because it's mine?

Piper: No, because there might be a power of three solution to this.

Prue: Yeah, but the Book of Shadows doesn't say that. And besides it's me he's after not you and Phoebe.

Piper: Okay, okay, maybe we should lay low for a few days, you know, use up our sick days.

Prue: And wait for Gabriel to find us? And he might hurt one of you to get to me and I will not take that risk. (She stands up.)

Piper: Okay, Prue, but wait, okay wait, at least let us vote on this.

Prue: Alright. All in favour of me saying the incantation raise their hands. (Phoebe and Prue raise their hands.) Sorry sis, majority rules. (She goes upstairs.)

Piper: But Prue...

Prue: (to herself) "Take my powers blessed be, multiply their strength by three."

(Piper gives Phoebe a look.)

Phoebe: What?

Piper: You know what.

Phoebe: I'm sorry but I really don't have a problem with Prue saying the incantation.

Piper: The problem is we're in this together and together we're supposed to solve our problems.

Phoebe: And together we rely on the the Book of Shadows when we're in trouble. Think about it, Piper, what's the worst thing that could happen? (They hear thunder coming from the attic.)

Piper: What did I tell you? (They run up the stairs.)

[Cut to the attic. Prue is kneeling on the floor. There is a light swirling around her.]

Piper: Oh my God!

Phoebe: Oh my God!

(Prue multiplies. The three Prue's stand up.)

Phoebe: Prue?

All three Prue's: What?

Phoebe: Okay. (she counts) 1, 2, 3.

Commercial Break

[Scene: Manor. Phoebe and Piper are standing in front of the bathroom door.]

Phoebe: Hello? There are other people in this house that have styling needs too.

Piper: Is there a Prue in there also?

Phoebe: One of them, yes.

Piper: I'm gonna have to wash my hair in the kitchen sink if I want to get to work on time. Do you know which is the real Prue yet?

Phoebe: Oh, I don't know. It could be the upstairs bathroom hogging Prue, or the downstairs bathroom hogging Prue, or the sitting in the kitchen drinking all the coffee Prue.

(Prue comes out of the bathroom.)

Prue: Is there a problem?

Piper: Aside from you going off and casting a spell that's kept all our bathrooms busy for the past three hours. Nothing.

Prue: Don't blame me, I didn't cast the spell.

Phoebe: Great, you're a clone.

Prue: Well, no, I'm not exactly a clone, I mean I do have all of Prue's memories up until the time she cast the spell, so, in a lot of ways I am Prue.

Piper: Then it is your fault.

Prue: No, it's not, and neither is the lack of hot water.

(Prue walks away.)

Phoebe: Oh, you didn't. Geez.

Piper: This is ridiculous. This is like, this is like the 'Parent Trap' with a B cup.

Phoebe: I think I might've just found a way to take some of the Disney out of our life.

[Cut to the foyer. All three Prue's are there.]

Prue #1: You look great.

Prue #2: No, you look great.

Prue #3: Is my skirt tight enough?

Prue #2: Yes.

Prue #1: It's perfect.

(Phoebe and Piper come down the stairs.)

Phoebe: Okay, which one of you is the real Prue?

(They all raise their hands.)

Piper: Stop that.

Prue #1: I'm the real Prue.

Phoebe: Okay, then you get the black sweater.

(Phoebe hands her a sweater.)

Prue: Phoebe, what are you doing?

Phoebe: I'm colour coding. It's the only way we're gonna be able to tell the three of you apart. Okay, clone A gets the pink sweater...

(She hands it to her.)

Pink Prue: Thank you.

Phoebe: And B gets the blue one.

Blue Prue: Thanks.

Piper: Handy with the sweaters.

Phoebe: Thanks. But it's only a temporary solution.

Piper: And what about the spell?

Pink Prue: Oh, the spell's temporary too. We're only here as long as we're needed.

Blue Prue: We were called for a reason. Once the reason's gone the spell wears out and we disappear.

Pink Prue: Once we vanquish Gabriel.

Piper: And how are we planning on doing this?

Pink Prue: Funny you should ask, see I was thinking...

Blue Prue: That we could find Gabriel by tracking down the ownership records for that Roman vessel.

Pink Prue: And Bucklands antiquities data base.

Real Prue: That's why I called my assistant... (Pink Prue clears her throat) our assistant and she's already on it.

Blue Prue: Are we good or what?

Piper: So, once you know where he lives are you sure you have the power to do the job?

Real Prue: Observe. Ladies, shall we. (All three Prue's use their powers and lift up the marble statue.) Enough said.

(The doorbell rings.)

Pink Prue: I'll get that.

(The phone rings.)

Blue Prue: I'll get the phone.

Real Prue: Wait, I should...

[Cut to Pink Prue opening the door.]

Pink Prue: Andy, hi.

Andy: Hi, can I come in?

Pink Prue: Now's not really a good time. Wow, that is a nice tie.

Andy: Thanks.

Pink Prue: So, um, what did I do now?

Andy: I don't know, you tell me.

Pink Prue: What ever it is, I have an alibi.

Andy: Good thing this is a social call then.

Pink Prue: Social call? Really? Now you're starting to look suspicious.

Andy: Remember a few months ago we ordered tickets to the Bay Area Music Awards? They came in the mail. Thought you might want them.

Pink Prue: That is so sweet.

Andy: You can take anyone you want. Even an old boyfriend who's just a friend now but who loves good music.

Pink Prue: I'll take that under consideration.

Andy: He pondered that. (They smile.) I'll see ya.

(He leaves and pink Prue closes the door.)

Pink Prue: Why did we break up with him?

Real Prue: He broke up with us first, remember?

Pink Prue: Too bad.

(Blue Prue slams down the phone.)

Blue Prue: Houston, we have a problem.

Phoebe: Raging clone hormones?

Blue Prue: No. That was Claire calling. She said that if I, well, one of us, don't get to the office pronto, you'll be looking for a new job.

Real Prue: Okay, okay, we can swing this.

Piper: No, no, no, wait. You're not seriously thinking of leaving the house?

Phoebe: You can't hide three you's at the office.

Blue Prue: Two of us may not be able to separate Gabriel from his sword but we can certainly fight him off.

Pink Prue: Which means two of us can go save Prue's job and whoever's left behind can go to the Quake with Piper.

Piper: Oh, no, no, no, no. Forget it.

Real Prue: Piper, you have an acting power, and besides Phoebe, your premonition, it didn't happen at Quake, right?

Phoebe: I can't be sure.

Real Prue: Still, worst case scenario, Piper freezes Gabriel and she runs.

Piper: No, no, I don't like this idea. I don't like it at all. I think we should all stay together, all five of us.

Phoebe: I think Piper's right. The book said it requires the strength of three to take on Gabriel. It's not safe to split up.

Real Prue: Okay, all who don't like the plan? (Piper and Phoebe raise their hands.) All who do? Wow, once again majority rules.

Commercial Break

[Scene: Bucklands. The real Prue and Pink Prue are walking down the hallway. Real Prue is holding a magazine in front of her face. Pink Prue pushes Real Prue behind a wall and Pink Prue walks up to her assistant.]

Pink Prue: Hi, is Claire around?

Assistant: She's been buzzing every fifteen minutes. You want me to get her?

Pink Prue: Not yet. Did you dig up the information on the Roman vessel?

Assistant: Hot off the laser jet. (She hands her a piece of paper.)

Pink Prue: Gabriel Statler's address. Good, okay, now I need for you to get me photocopies of all my sales files for the quarter.

Assistant: That could take hours.

Pink Prue: You're right. You know what, I need you to get me copies of everyone's files.

(She guides her out of the room.)

Assistant: But that could take days.

Pink Prue: Well, you better start now. Bye, bye.

(Pink and Real Prue walk into their office.)

Real Prue: Did you have to make her to photocopy all the files?

Pink Prue: You wanted her to see us together?

Real Prue: No, but you didn't even thank her, and you were so bossy.

Pink Prue: That's why we're called bosses. Alright, well now that we have Gabriel Statler's address...

Real Prue: No. You stay here, I will talk to Claire first.

Pink Prue: Why do you get to talk to Claire?

Real Prue: Because I still have to work here when all of this is over.

Claire: (from outside) Prue, are you there?

Both: Claire!

(Pink Prue pushes real Prue behind the door.)

Pink Prue: Claire, hi.

Claire: I want an explanation for yesterday.

Pink Prue: What do you mean?

Claire: Helen Statler called to tell me that she was so offended by your behaviour that she's taking her collection to Kristy's. What happened?

Pink Prue: Claire, um, I've already made arrangements to make a personal apology and put Bucklands back in the running. As a matter of fact, I convinced Miss Statler to meet me at her estate. See, here's the address. (She looks at the paper.)

Claire: Okay, you really think you can get this account back?

Pink Prue: I'd stake my job on it.

Claire: Good, because you just did. Alright, I'll get my briefcase and we'll take my car.

Pink Prue: No!

Claire: No? Oh, yes, yes, yes. I'm not gonna leave you alone with that client again. (She leaves.)

Real Prue: What was that?

Pink Prue: Hail Mary pass.

Real Prue: Okay, alright, let us think, um, I got it. I will take Claire to the wrong address, pretend we've been stood up or something. You call the other one of us at Quake.

Pink Prue: I love it when I'm so decisive.

Real Prue: Okay, look, you go get the other Prue and take her to the manor. Okay, and we'll finish this. (She dials the phone.) Hey, yeah, Pheebs, it's me. No, the real one. I'm just checking in.

Pink Prue: We do that a lot don't we? Check in with our sisters, make sure they're okay. Don't you think if there were a problem, they would call us and let us know?

Real Prue: Phoebe, I'll call you back. I have to go yell at myself.

(She hangs up.)

Claire: (from outside) Prue?

(Real Prue pushes pink Prue behind the door.)

Real Prue: Hi, hi. Ready to go?

Claire: Wow, did you change your sweater?

Real Prue: Yeah, black's more my colour. Come on.

[Scene: Quake. The phone rings. Piper answers it.]

Piper: Thank you for calling Quake.

Pink Prue: Hi Piper, it's me.

Piper: What colour?

Pink Prue: The pink one. The real Prue just left with Claire, look, I need you to get the blue one to the manor. We're meeting Prue there before we go to Gabriel's estate.

Piper: I've been thinking, have you guys thought about what happens after you separate Gabriel from his sword?

Pink Prue: Well, the book said she took the sword away and that was it. Why?

Piper: Well, what if he still comes after you? He's a warlord remember?

Pink Prue: Once we get the sword we'll destroy him. He would be crazy to take us on. Piper, don't worry. We have a plan and we have powers.

Piper: I just don't want to lose you... any of you.

Pink Prue: You won't. I promise. Bye.

(Piper hangs up and walks into the kitchen.)

Piper: The pink... (Piper sees Blue Prue eating spaghetti with her fingers. Two cooks are watching her looking very turned on.) one just called and wants you to meet her. Prue, what are you doing?

Blue Prue: Trying today's special. (to a chef) I think it needs a teeny bit more parmesan.

(She licks her fingers.)

Piper: I'm sure it's fine because today's special is glazed shortbread.

Blue Prue: Forget the parmesan because if anybody knows food, it's my Piper. (to a chef) What's your speciality?

Piper: Alright, come on you guys get to work, there you go, yeah I know, it's thrilling. Alright.

Blue Prue: Yeah, I guess I shouldn't pet the help.

Piper: What has gotten into you? Who has gotten into you? Because you're nothing like the real Prue.

Blue Prue: Actually, I'm exactly like the real Prue, just the side that doesn't get to come out and play enough. I'm the flip side of the corporate, conservative clone.

Piper: Alright, that's enough, get out of my kitchen before my cooks overheat. (She offers Piper some spaghetti) I don't want that. Yuh-uh.

[Scene: Bucklands car park. Pink Prue comes out of the elevator. Some sort of bomb roles down the stairs and blows up giving off a bright light which blinds pink Prue.]

Gabriel: Blinded by the light. (Prue uses her power and moves Gabriel's sword so it cuts him.) You cut me, witch. (He stabs her.)

[Cut to Claire's car. Real Prue holds her stomach in pain.]

Prue: Aahh!

Claire: Prue?

[Cut back to pink Prue.]

Pink Prue: Prue. (She dies.)

Gabriel: Come on. Give it to me.

(Helena comes up behind Gabriel.)

Miss Statler: Where's her soul. Where's her magic?

Gabriel: I've been trapped. She has none. Whoever this is it's not the real witch.

[Cut back to the car.]

Claire: Are you okay?

Real Prue: No, I'm not.

Commercial Break

[Scene: Coroner's office. Andy is there with the coroner.]

Coroner: Autopsy's were scheduled for first thing in the morning but the case officers said you might be able to I.D. the body now.

Andy: Homicide victim, right?

Coroner: Somebody ran it through as a bladed weapon so I'd call it a big yes. (The coroner gets a body out of the morgue.) No I.D. on the body but those are her personal things.

(Andy look

gy linkeld az oldalt!
Krlek ne lopj az oldalrl!

Elfelejtettem a jelszt
Induls: 2004-11-11
Phoebe Halliwell
Paige Matthews
Piper Halliwell
Prue Halliwell
Leo Wyatt
Cole Turner
Chris Halliwell

:)) :) :@ :? :(( :o :D ;) 8o 8p 8) 8| :( :'( ;D :$
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megint Paige
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Ha érdekelnek az animék,mangák,videojátékok, japán és holland nyelv és kultúra, akkor látogass el a személyes oldalamra.    *****    Dryvit, hõszigetelés! Vállaljuk családi házak, nyaralók és egyéb épületek homlokzati szigetelését! 0630/583-3168 Hívjon!    *****    Könyves oldal - Ágica Könyvtára - ahol megnézheted milyen könyveim vannak, miket olvasok, mik a terveim...    *****    Megtörtént Bûnügyekkel foglalkozó oldal - magyar és külföldi esetek.    *****    Why do all the monsters come out at night? - Rose Harbor, a város, ahol nem a természetfeletti a legfõbb titok - FRPG    *****    A boroszkányok gyorsan megtanulják... Minden mágia megköveteli a maga árát. De vajon mekkora lehet ez az ár? - FRPG    *****    Alkosd meg a saját karaktered, és irányítsd a sorsát! Vajon képes lenne túlélni egy ilyen titkokkal teli helyen? - FRPG    *****    Mindig tudnod kell, melyik kikötõ felé tartasz. - ROSE HARBOR, a mi városunk - FRPG    *****    Akad mindannyijukban valami közös, valami ide vezette õket, a delaware-i aprócska kikötõvárosba... - FRPG    *****    boroszkány, vérfarkas, alakváltó, démon és angyal... szavak, amik mind jelentenek valamit - csatlakozz közénk - FRPG    *****    Why do all the monsters come out at night? - Rose Harbor, a város, ahol nem a természetfeletti a legfõbb titok - FRPG    *****    why do all monsters come out at night - FRPG - Csatlakozz közénk! - Írj, és éld át a kalandokat!    *****    CRIMECASESNIGHT - Igazi Bûntényekkel foglalkozó oldal    *****    Figyelem, figyelem! A második vágányra karácsonyi mese érkezett! Mesés karácsonyt kíván mindenkinek: a Mesetáros    *****    10 éves a Haikyuu!! Ennek alkalmából részletes elemzést olvashatsz az anime elsõ évadáról az Anime Odyssey blogban!    *****    Ismerd meg az F-Zero sorozatot, a Nintendo legdinamikusabb versenyjáték-szériáját! Folyamatosan bõvülõ tartalom.    *****    Advent a Mesetárban! Téli és karácsonyi mesék és színezõk várnak! Nézzetek be hozzánk!    *****    Nagyon pontos és részletes születési horoszkóp, valamint 3 év ajándék elõrejelzés, diplomás asztrológustól. Kattints!!!!    *****    A horoszkóp a lélek tükre,egyszer mindenkinek érdemes belenézni.Keress meg és én segítek értelmezni a csillagok állását!    *****    HAMAROSAN ÚJRA ITT A KARÁCSONY! HA SZERETNÉL KARÁCSONYI HANGULATBA KEVEREDNI, AKKOR KATT IDE: KARACSONY.GPORTAL.HU